Axelar-Satellite bridge.

Chaintools Validator
4 min readMay 24, 2022


I thought it was time to update our community on the latest shit-hot Cosmos technology of late.

We have now tested the Axelar Bridge and one cool thing we do is using the LPs rewards (OSMO) we earn from Osmosis. You can withdraw which now takes you to the satellite bridge.

NOTE: Please use small amounts on this as its a beta release. Trade carefully.


Since in this example i am moving USDC from Osmosis over to Juno blockchain i will show you the steps here.

Look there are loads of different ways of getting liquid in to Junoswap most popular ofc is $ATOM via an Exchange. Swap your tokens to that and you have a way in to Cosmos right away. Easy.

More in depth view on Axelar can be found from our good friend Confident in Crypto.

Junoswap governance which is controlled by Over in the VOTE section now shows a proposal to enable LP rewards on Junoswap. So all im doing here is using some of my Liquidity from Osmosis lovely rewards and moving them over to JUNO chain in preparation for some Juicy $RAW rewards. This is the absolute premier use-case for IBC in the Cosmos. I can move Coins on OSMOSIS right over to JUNO Blockchain.


Now it automatically takes you to …

The Bridge

Now simply paste your JUNO address or whatever IBC enabled chain you which to send axl-USDC to like shown bellow. Ive blanked this address out because i dont want to dox it.

Address send

Next we Initiate Transfer and Click Keplr Wallet

Next i simply enter the amount i wish to SEND to JUNO BLOCKCHAIN.

Confirm in your Keplr wallet. This is what it looks like if you have Ledger enabled in Keplr. This will require a fraction of OSMO for gas.

Confrim TX.

Once its confirmed you can let it do its thing and wait for a confirmation on the blockchain.

You should now see this if all went well.


Congrats you have managed to use yet another powerful tool within the cosmos. Moving liquid around blockchains. Here we have demonstrated the power of IBC. We are now seeing ETH ERC-20 tokens being moved around the Cosmos with ease.

And here is proof of my 23 USDC moved earlier and the 100USDC that we showed in this tutorial sat on Juno blockchain and ready for use on Junoswap. Ready for those Juicy APYs to kick in.

So let me remind you to keep an eye on RAWDAO.ZONE to see what proposals are up and what pools are being incentivised next.

If you stake RAW in RAWDAO.ZONE you can vote. If you want to see a specific pool be incentivised and want to share with the community you can create a draft proposal on Commonwealth and discuss with the community your idea and reason behind. Here is the link to that

Any questions please reach out to us on our community channels TG Highlander Nodes | Validator

@Highlandernodes twitter.



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