Getting to know Kujira

Chaintools Validator
6 min readJul 1, 2022


Another former Terra Old project who have spin’d up their very on chain in the Cosmos

The Cosmos Layer 1 platform for community selected projects creating true value.

Not many of our delegators know much about Kujira but let me tell you that already they built Blue, Fin and Orca. One more thing that completes the circle will be their very own lending and borrowing dApp which is in the process of being made atm. This bootstraps Kujira to be a one stop DeFi network run on a Cosmos IBC chain. And as they call it Grown-Up DeFi

In this article we will show you some ways to get the testnet token so you can use the dApps right away that are running before the mainnet launch which will be due July 1st. When mainnet arrives the steps will be the same but you will be using the token KUJI for it and not the testnet tokens. So its pretty much covering what you need to do.

USDC bought on OSMOSIS and send straight to Kujira blockchain.

Step 1: Deposit $ATOM on to OSMOSIS.

Step 2: Swap $ATOM for $USDC and approve the transaction in your Keplr wallet. Osmosis atm has 0 tx fee for this but its always wise to keep some Osmosis for this potentially changing.

Step 3: Now use the power of the IBC train and send these token across to Kujira.

Here is the channel. And you need to add this to keplr to do so. And we will show you now.

Step 4: Add new channel to your keplr wallet.

Click on IBC transfer

Once you do that select the chain you wish to send to

Now click “New IBC Transfer Channel

Select on Kujira network as we will be moving USDC from Osmosis > Kujira.

Now add in the channel id shown from above channel-259 which is the ID for Osmosis/Kujira Channel connection.

Ok that and then you will be able to now select Kujira as the destination chain.

Step :5 Now you can paste your Kujira address in here :).

Select the IBC Asset that are in your wallet on Osmosis Chain. We ofc are selecting USDC. Then send that across. Next step move over to Kujira Network in Keplr.

Confirm IBC transfer USDC from OSMOSIS > KUJIRA

Step 6: Now you can see USDC inside Kujira Network.

Well done for sending your first asset using IBC.

Time to get some KUJI on FIN

Cosmos’ first decentralized, permissionless, 100% on-chain order book style token exchange.

Liquidity pools are out of date and no longer fit for purpose. FIN creates a fully decentralized trading experience where the need for inflationary incentives and bots are no longer required, and the risk of impermanent loss falls away entirely. Welcome to the future of the DEX.

This will be the best place to go when trading is live to purchase KUJI. KUJI will have multiple IBC assets connected to it so if you have $ATOM $JUNO $OSMO $USDC you will be able to trade some of that here right away to gain $KUJI tokens.

Connect your wallet and change the pair on the top left shown below.

So here is where you will find all the market pairs you can trade with. At this time i will place a market order USDC/KUJI

And again make confirm tx with your Keplr wallet.

Lets move on to BLUE

Blue is the KUJI Dashboard. Bond KUJI to take part on Governance, Swap KUJI and claim rewards….

Connect your keplr wallet.


Connect your Keplr wallet. If you need a guide on Installing keplr to your browser look HERE.

Here in wallet you can check the balance of tokens and what amount you would have staked.

when you move down the side bar list you can click stake. In this tutorial we will show you how the process works.

Click on the validator you choose to stake with. In this case we will stick with Highlander | Chaintools

and like most cosmos chains you click stake. In the image below i am staking 1 KUJI to Highlander | Chaintools which will lock up my tokens and will be locked with a un-bonding period if you choose to un-stake. This period with no rewards when un-bonding is for 14 days. Sign the tx using your keplr wallet and ALWAYS leave a bit of KUJI dust to cover the tx fee (GAS).

And there you have it. I now have 1 KUJI staked to a Chaintools validator.

Now when you stake you will be earning APY straight away. Here you can see an example from the recent testnet.


Now that you have some KUJI staked you not only are earning a % in staking rewards for locking up and helping secure the chain. You now have the ability to VOTE on future proposals that come out on the chain. This gives delegators a voice on which way they feel the chain should be doing going forward. Highlander-Nodes has a vote and its weighted in the voting power towards the validator. As you can see on the validators list Highlander-Nodes at the time of writing this has 15.76k KUJI0.085% share of voting power on chain. Remember you have the right to vote how ever you want as a delegator and you don’t always need to agree with what the validator votes. If you disagree with the way a validator is voting you can simply RE-DELEGATE you’re stake instantly to another validator and wont have to suffer the 14day un-bonding period.

Keep an eye on proposals appearing here and make a diff in the eco-systems you lock up your hard earn tokens with. ITS IMPORTANT.

More guides to follow as the network continues to grow. If you need any help fee free to reach us on TG, Twitter or Discord

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Chaintools Validator

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